For over 150 years, Milwaukee has been home to a large community of people of Polish descent. The Milwaukee Polonia Project hopes to show the interweaving, intertwining family trees that resulted in this community. It is hoped that, eventually, all the families can be connected to one another. The Milwaukee Polonia Project is also a means to explore our common history and celebrate our shared heritage.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Status Update - September, 2016

New Points of Origin:

Dochanowo, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
Co-Ordinates: 52.8833° N, 17.6167° E
Family Names Bocian, Janiszewski (3)

Gorzyce, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
Co-Ordinates: 52.8833° N, 17.5833° E
Family Names: Fennig, Janiszewski (1)

Łekno, Wielkopolskie, Poland
a.k.a. Lekno
Co-Ordinates: 52.85° N, 17.3° E
Family Names: Szatkowski, Szymarek

Family Names Added Since Last Update:

Profiles Added Since Last Update:  204New Intra-Connections  (Lucht to Fons):

417)  …..Anton Grosz > daughter, Sophie (Grosz) Wutt > husband, Leroy Wutt > half-sister, Marcella (Wutt) Phillips > husband, Edward Phillips > father, Michael Philipp > brother, August Filip....

418)  ….Edward Phillips > sister, Helen (Philipp) Bykowski > husband, Albert Bykowski > sister, Helen (Bykowski) Litzau > husband, Joseph Litzau > second wife, Pauline (Grzegowski) [Bessa] Litzau > son, Henry Bessa....

419)  ….Pauline (Grzegowski) [Bessa] Litzau > sister, Rosalia (Grezgowski) Bykowski > son, John P. Bykowski > wife, Agnes (Philipp) Bykowski > father, Michael Philipp....

420)  ….Pauline (Grzegowski) [Bessa] Litzau > sister, Julianna (Grezgowski) Bykowski > husband, August Bykowski > brother, Jacob Bykowski > son, John P. Bykowski....

421)  ....Frank Sokolowski > son, Edward Sokolowski > wife, Helen (Maciolek) Sokolowski > brother, Michael Maciolek > wife, Sally (Rakowski) [Maciolek] Karolewski....

422)  ….John Wojda > brother, Francis Wojda > wife, Pelagia (Krawiecki) Wojda > sister, Mary (Krawiecki) Wojda > husband, Roman Wojda > father, Michal Wojda....

423)  ….Max Skrentny > sister, Hedwig (Skretny) Kaminski > husband, Benjamin Kaminski > mother, Mary (Szymarek) Kaminski > sister, Martha (Szymarek) Wawrzyniakowski > husband, Leo Alex Wawrzyniakowski > father, John Wawrzyniakowski > sister, Victoria (Wawrzyniakowski) Fennig > husband, Konstanty F. Fennig > father, Franciszek Fennig > half-brother, Wladyslaw Fennig > son, Joseph Fennig....

Newly Discovered Changed Names:

Wawrzyniakowski to Warzyn

New Alternate Spellings:

Bessa Biza
Bykowski Bikowski
Chybick Chybicke
Dix Dyks
Fennig Fenyg Pfennig
Fortanz Fortanc Vortanz
Gasiorowski Gonsiorowski
Grzegowski Grsykowski
Januszyk Janiczek
Jeske Jeschke
Kobylanski Kobelanski Koblynski
Kohnke Kehnke Kuhnke
Komorowski Komorski
Linetej Sinete
Maciejewski Maciyewski
Murkowski Minskowski
Napieralski Napierals
Pawlowski Pawlowcki
Perszowski Persczewski
Pulaski Pulasky
Szatowski Satkowski Sadkowski
Skibowski, Czibowski
Szymarek Szymarck
Wawrzyniakowski Waurzyniakowski
Zawadzki Zawatlzhi Zawadrki

PCN:  3.86
Rank:  23rd lowest
(For an explanation of the PCN - "Project Completeness Number") see Status Update - February, 2012 and Status Update - March, 2012)
Historical PCN Data:
Previous Two: 
June, 2016:  1.94
April, 2016: 1.71
Average PCN:  5.48
Median PCN: 3.86
Lowest PCN:  1.08 (December, 2014)
Highest PCN:  19 (January, 2012 - the start of the Project)

Status Update - September, 2016

New Points of Origin:

Dochanowo, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
Co-Ordinates: 52.8833° N, 17.6167° E
Family Names Bocian, Janiszewski (3)

Gorzyce, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
Co-Ordinates: 52.8833° N, 17.5833° E
Family Names: Fennig, Janiszewski (1)

Łekno, Wielkopolskie, Poland
a.k.a. Lekno
Co-Ordinates: 52.85° N, 17.3° E
Family Names: Szymarek, Sadowski

Family Names Added Since Last Update:

Profiles Added Since Last Update:  204New Intra-Connections  (Lucht to Fons):

417)  …..Anton Grosz > daughter, Sophie (Grosz) Wutt > husband, Leroy Wutt > half-sister, Marcella (Wutt) Phillips > husband, Edward Phillips > father, Michael Philipp > brother, August Filip....

418)  ….Edward Phillips > sister, Helen (Philipp) Bykowski > husband, Albert Bykowski > sister, Helen (Bykowski) Litzau > husband, Joseph Litzau > second wife, Pauline (Grzegowski) [Bessa] Litzau > son, Henry Bessa....

419)  ….Pauline (Grzegowski) [Bessa] Litzau > sister, Rosalia (Grezgowski) Bykowski > son, John P. Bykowski > wife, Agnes (Philipp) Bykowski > father, Michael Philipp....

420)  ….Pauline (Grzegowski) [Bessa] Litzau > sister, Julianna (Grezgowski) Bykowski > husband, August Bykowski > brother, Jacob Bykowski > son, John P. Bykowski....

421)  ....Frank Sokolowski > son, Edward Sokolowski > wife, Helen (Maciolek) Sokolowski > brother, Michael Maciolek > wife, Sally (Rakowski) [Maciolek] Karolewski....

422)  ….John Wojda > brother, Francis Wojda > wife, Pelagia (Krawiecki) Wojda > sister, Mary (Krawiecki) Wojda > husband, Roman Wojda > father, Michal Wojda....

423)  ….Max Skrentny > sister, Hedwig (Skretny) Kaminski > husband, Benjamin Kaminski > mother, Mary (Szymarek) Kaminski > sister, Martha (Szymarek) Wawrzyniakowski > husband, Leo Alex Wawrzyniakowski > John Wawrzyniakowski > sister, Victoria (Wawrzyniakowski) Fennig > husband, Konstanty F. Fennig > father, Franciszek Fennig > half-brother, Wladyslaw Fennig > son, Joseph Fennig....

Newly Discovered Changed Names:

Wawrzyniakowski to Warzyn

New Alternate Spellings:

Bessa Biza
Bykowski Bikowski
Chybick Chybicke
Dix Dyks
Fennig Fenyg Pfennig
Fortanz Fortanc Vortanz
Gasiorowski Gonsiorowski
Grzegowski Grsykowski
Januszyk Janiczek
Jeske Jeschke
Kobylanski Kobelanski Koblynski
Kohnke Kehnke Kuhnke
Komorowski Komorski
Linetej Sinete
Maciejewski Maciyewski
Murkowski Minskowski
Napieralski Napierals
Pawlowski Pawlowcki
Perszowski Persczewski
Pulaski Pulasky
Szatowski Satkowski Sadkowski
Skibowski, Czibowski
Szymarek Szymarck
Wawrzyniakowski Waurzyniakowski
Zawadzki Zawatlzhi Zawadrki

PCN:  3.86
Rank:  23rd lowest
(For an explanation of the PCN - "Project Completeness Number") see Status Update - February, 2012 and Status Update - March, 2012)
Historical PCN Data:
Previous Two: 
June, 2016:  1.94
April, 2016: 1.71
Average PCN:  5.48
Median PCN: 3.86
Lowest PCN:  1.08 (December, 2014)
Highest PCN:  19 (January, 2012 - the start of the Project)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Featured Profile #50 - Albert Dix - Polish Pioneer

Albert (Wojciech) Dix (1850 - 1945)

This is the fifth in our series on the Polish Pioneers.

The following appeared in the Kuryer Polski on May 6, 1917:


One of the elderly Polish settlers in Milwaukee is Mr. Wojciech Dix, who has lived in Milwaukee about fifty years . He was born on 15 April 1850 in Skic in West Prussia .  He attended school in that village. He was only eight years old when his mother died, and in 1865, when he was fifteen years old, he moved to America with his sister.  Her name now is Anna Sonnenberg currently residing at Racine Street in Jadwigowo [Note:  I believe this is a reference to the neighborhood around St Hedwig's Church.].

In 1866, he came to Milwaukee and remained in this city.  His first job was in a bakery on Third Street and there in two years he learned the bakery trade. He practiced the bakery trade for a few years and saved a bit of money, and finally, in 1875, he built his own bakery on Second and Windlake Awenue.

Wojciech P. Dix was always progressive in his beliefs so he frequently experienced persecution by the priests. But citizen Dix did not give up the right way and his perceptions have not changed.

On May 20, 1872 he married Miss Julia Palaska  [Pulaski] in the  St. Stanislaus church, located at Grove and Mineral Streets. They already have a significant group of seven children from this marriage. Currently, Mr. W. Dix, his wife, and three daughters are living at number 215 Graham Street ( Bay View).

Two daughters of Mr. Dix are teachers in public schools in Milwaukee. Miss Julia Dix has a job at the school on Dover Street. The youngest daughter, Cecilia, is a trained pianist and gives lessons on the piano.

Three daughters are married, and son Arthur is working in the bakery which he took over from his father in 1916. Daughter Emilia get married to Mr. M. [sic.  should be S. ] Kadow , a noted architect. The second daughter, Agnes, got married to Mr Anthony Tomkiewicz, a pharmacist at Fifth and Lincoln Avenue. Third, Lucy, got married to Mr. Siegfried Kuczynski, a broker. He is residing on Otien Street.

Mr. Dix has removed quite out of business, but sometimes he helps his son. He is still in good health and feels at full strength.
Note:  Joanna Białkowska, who provided this translation, added that her ancestors were from Skic, the hometown of Albert Dix.  According to her mother, there is still a Dix family living in Skic.  In fact, the Dix residence is next to the house of her grandparents.
   Relation to Nearest Featured Profile: Michael Domachowski (Featured Profile #3) and Joseph Domachowski, (Featured Profile #5):  No near relationship.

Path From Nearest Featured Profile:  Michael and Joseph Domachowski > sister, Frances (Domachowski) [Grosz] Jagodzinski > daughter, Marta (Grosz) Kobza > husband, Sylvester Kobza, > sister, Helen (Kobza) Kadow > husband, Max Kadow > brother, Stanley Kadow > wife, Emily (Dix) Kadow > father, Albert Dix
This is the article in the original Polish:
 Do rzędu starszych polskich osadników w Milwaukee, zalicza się także p. Wojciech Dix, który przebywa w Milwaukee blisko lat pięćdziesiąt. Urodził się dnia 15 kwietnia 1850 roku w Skicu w Prusach Zachodnich. W tejże miejscowości uczęszczał do szkoły. Miał zaledwie osiem lat, gdy umarła mu matka, a w roku 1865, gdy liczył piętnaście lat, wyjechał do Ameryki wraz z siostrą, obecnie panią Anną Sonnenberg zamieszkującą przy Racine ulicy na Jadwigowie.
            W roku 1866 przyjechał do Milwaukee i pozostał na stałe w tym mieście. Pierwsze zatrudnienie otrzymał w piekarni na Trzeciej ulicy i tam w przeciągu dwóch lat wyuczył się piekarstwa. Następnie praktykował w zawodzie piekarskim jeszcze kilka lat i zaoszczędził sobie nieco pieniędzy, a wreszcie w roku 1875, pobudował własną piekarnię przy Drugiej i Windlake Aleji.
            P. Wojciech Dix był zawsze poglądów postępowych i z tego powodu nie miał miru w obozie klerykalnym. Doświadczał też często prześladowań ze strony księży. Lecz obywatel Dix nie dał się z drogi prawej sprowadzić i zapatrywań swych nie zmienił.
            Dnia 20 maja 1872roku połączył się węzłem małżeńskim z panną Julią Palaską w kościele św. Stanisława, znajdującym się wówczas przy Grave i Mineral ulicy. Małżeństwo to dorobiło się znacznego grona dziatek; jest ich bowiem przy życiu siedmioro. Obecnie p. W. Dix z żoną i trzema córkami mieszka pod numerem 215 Graham ulica (Bay View).
            Dwie córki p. Dixa są nauczycielkami w milwauckich szkołach publicznych. Panna Julia Dix ma posadę w szkole przy Dover ulicy. Najmłodsza córka, Cecylia jest wyszkoloną pianistką i udziela lekcji na fortepianie.
Oprócz tych trzy pozostałe córki wyszły za mąż, a syn Artur, pracuje w piekarni, którą objął po ojcu w roku 1916. Córka Emilia, wyszła za p. M. [sic.] Kadowa, znanego architekta. Druga córka, Agnieszka, wyszła za p. Antoniego Tomkiewicza, aptekarza przy Piątej i Lincoln Avenue. Trzecie zaś, Łucja wyszła za p. Zygfryda Kuczyńskiego, brokera. Zamieszkałego przy Otjen ulicy.
Pan Dix usunął się całkiem z interesu, lecz pomaga czasem synowi. Znajduje się jeszcze w dobrym zdrowiu i czuje się w pełni sił.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Status Update - June, 2016

New Points of Origin:

Góra, Żnin, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
a.k.a. Gora, Bergen
Co-Ordinates:  52.6809° N, 17.752° E
Family Names; Blachowski, Cieply

Kołdrąb, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
a.k.a. Koldrab, Koldromb
Co-Ordinates:  52.7367° N, 17.568° E
Family Names: Kabacinski, Kryger

Krajenka, Wielkopolskie, Poland
a.k.a. Krojanke
Co-Ordinates:  53.3° N, 16.9833° E
Family Names: Kachalek, Klimek, Plewa

New Family Names Added Since Last Update:


Profiles Added Since Last Update:  204

New Intra-Connections  (Lucht to Fons):

400)  ….Stanley B. Cesarz > brother, Raymond F. Cesarz > wife, PRIVATE (Snopek) Cesarz > sister Irene (Snopek) Placzek > husband, William D. Placzek > brother, Steven L. Placzek....

401)  ….Stanley B. Cesarz > sister, Agnes (Cesarz) Betanske > husband, Harry Leonard Betanske > mother, Josephine (Cichy) Betanski > sister, France (Cichy) Rozek > son, Roman Rozek > wife, Anna (Janicki) Rozek > father, Leon Janicki....

402)  ….Stanley B. Cesarz > father, Stanley F. Cesarz > sister, Frances (Cesarz) Rutkowski > husband, Frank Rutkowski > half-sister, Anna (Okraj) Jakubicz > son, Harry Jakubicz....

403)  ….Stanley F. Cesarz > sister, Anna (Cesarz) Jakubicz > husband, John Jakubicz > brother, Anton Jakubicz > son, Harry Jakubicz....

404)  ….Stanley F. Cesarz > sister, Mary (Cesarz) Jakubicz > husband, Peter Jakubicz > brother, Anton Jakubicz....

405)  ….Anton Jakubicz > second wife, Mary (Balcerzak) [Okrongly] Jakubicz > brother, Nick Balcerzak > wife, Lucille (Schultz) Balcerzak > brother, Frank Schultz > wife, Cecelia (Martynski) Schultz > brother Valentine Martynski....

406)  ….Frank Komorowski > daughter, Amelia (Komorowski) Senk > mother, Balbina (Lewandowski) Senk > brother, Vincent Lewandowski > wife, Petronela (Suchala) [Durski] Lewandowski > sister, Anna (Suchala) [Luczak] Ryterski....

407)  ….Petronela (Suchala) [Durski] Lewandowski > son, Sylvester, Durski > daughter, Florence (Durski) Cieslik > husband, Erwin Cieslik > father, John Cieslik (II)....

408)  ….Balbina (Lewandowski) Senk > brother, Andrew Lewandowski > wife, Catherine (Helminiak) Lewandowski > brother, Michael Helminiak > wife, Anna (Welniak) Helminiak >brother, Frank Helminiak > wife, Agnes (Fons) Helminiak > sister, Veronica (Fons) Duszynski > husband, Felix Leo Duszynski ....

409)  ….Anna (Hausz) Plewa > son, Frank S. Plewa > second wife, Josephine (Czyzmowski) Plewa > sister, Anna (Czymowski) Malczewski > husband, Frank Malczewski....

410)  ….Frank S. Plewa > third wife, Polly (Czyzmowski) Plewa > sister, Anna (Czymowski) Malczewski....

411)  ….Frank S. Plewa > brother, Joseph L. Plewa > daughter, Felice (Plewa) Janowiak....

412)  ….Clement Rakowski > sister, Mary (Rakowski) Konkol > husband, Aloisius Konkol > brother, Bolesclaus Konkol > wife, Frances (Sokolowski) Konkol > father, Andrew Sokolowski > brother, Stanislaus Sokolowski > wife, Anna (Kwasniewski) Sokolowski > brother, John Kwasniewski > wife, Mary (Wojcik) Kwasniewski > sister, Casmira (Wojcik) Fons > husband, Edward H. Fons....

413)  …..Mary (Zalewski) Plewa > daughter, PRIVATE (Plewa) Dudzik > husband, Jerome Dudzik > mother, Agnes (Sokolowski) Dudzik > father, John Sokolowski > brother, Stanislaus Sokolowski....

414)  ....Agnes (Pluta) Domachowski > sister, Mae [Marianna] (Pluta) Banaszynski > sister, Jadwiga (Banaszynski) Bielawski > husband, Adalbert Marion Bielawski > father, Joseph Bielawski > brother, Felix Bielawski > daughter, Jozefa (Bielawski) Michalski > husband, Jan Michalski > brother, Bennedick Michalski....

415)  ….Bertha (Kitzke) Perlaczynski > sister, Rose (Kitzke) Yach > husband, Stanley M. Yach > mother, Weronica (Szelbraczykowski) Yach > sister, Josephine (Szelbraczykowski) Polcyn > husband, Joseph Polcyn > son, by first wife, John Polcyn ….

416)  ….Weronica (Szelbraczykowski) Yach > husband, John Yach > first wife, Michalina (Magdalena) (Szelbraczykowski) Yach > sister, Josephine (Szelbraczykowski) Polcyn....

Newly Discovered Changed Names:

Kosmaczynski to Werner
New Alternate Spellings:
Balcerzak Baberczak
Banaszynski Banaszenski
Betanski Betanske Bakanski
Cesarz Cesaez
Cichy Cicha
Czajkowicz Czafkowicz
Czyzmowski Czyzmoski
Drzewiecki Drziewicki
Dudzik Dujick
Frenczak Frentczak
Guszkowski Gluszkowski
Hausz Hanz Hares Hans
Jakubicz Jakubiez Jakubic Jakubisz
Jankiewicz Jankewich Jaukiewicz
Jutrzenka Inbrzenka
Kabacinski Kabaczynski
Kachallek Kachalek Rachalek
Kiestrzin Kristrzyk Kristrzyn Kasten Kistzyn
Krygier, Kryger
Kunikowski Kuaikowski
Lesczynski Liszczynski Tessesynski
Mikoljczak Mikotajcsyk
Milecki Milewski
Murkowski Mrukowski Muekowski
Okraj Okroj
Okrongly Okragly
Pankowski Pankau Panko Pankan Paukowski
Senk Sek
Sikora Siekora
Sobiech Sobiechow
Stencel Stenzel Sztencel
Suchala Suchola
Suichninski Suichminski Suidwinski
Szelbracykowski Shelbracykowski Szebracykowski
Tomasz Tomas
Tutaj Tutay
Wolszleger Walschlaeger
Walendowski Wylandowski
Zdaniszewski Zdanczewski
Zuzelski Zuzielski
Corrected Names:
Chica to Cichy
Gradkowski to Grundkowski
Koscieinlak to Koscielniak
Muekowski to Murkowski

PCN:  1.94
Rank:  4th lowest
(For an explanation of the PCN - "Project Completeness Number") see Status Update - February, 2012 and Status Update - March, 2012)
Historical PCN Data:
Previous Two: 
April, 2016: 1.71
February, 2016: 2.43
Average PCN:  5.51
Median PCN: 3.89
Lowest PCN:  1.08 (December, 2014)
Highest PCN:  19 (January, 2012 - the start of the Project)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Honoring Our Heroes - 2016

Happy Memorial Day - As is our custom, we celebrate Memorial Day by discussing some of the individuals who lost their lives while in the military or in time of war.  This year, we have information on three first cousins who were all killed serving in the military in World War II.

Stephen Sokolowski (@1908 - 1944) - the son of Andrew Sokolowski and Anna (Kwasniewski) Sokolowski, he was career military having entered the Army about 1926.  He had served in such places as Fort Sheridan, Illinois; Fort Custer, Michigan; Fort Douglas, Utah; the Philippine Islands; Fort Sam Huston, Texas; Camp Shelby, Mississippi; Camps Knot and Coxcomb, California; and Fort Dix, New Jersey rising to the rank of First Sergeant.  He was ultimately assigned to the 339th Infantry Regiment of the 85th (Custer) Division where he served first in North Africa and then Italy.  He died on September 22, 1944 when his unit was attacking the German's Gothic Line in Italy.  He left behind a young wife.

  Alex F. Sokolowski  (@1915 - 1945) - the son of  Stanislaus Sokolowski and Anna (Kwasniewski) [Sokolowski] Danielewski, he graduated from Pio Nono High School.  He was employed as a water meter reader for the Town of Lake at the time he went into the service in June, 1943.  He was assigned to the Headquarters & Service Company of the 167th Engineer Combat Battalion eventually rising to the rank of corporal.  The 167th did basic training in Mississippi and then maneuvers in Louisiana.  They went ashore on Utah beach.  The 167th was attached to Patton's Third Army where the unit helped bridge the Moselle River and then went on to help with crossing the Rhine.  Alex Sokolowski was not killed by enemy fire.  Sadly, he was killed by an American bullet when a companion's gun accidently discharged.  He left behind a wife and three young children in Milwaukee.

Stephen B. Sokolowski (@1909 - 1945) - the son of Joseph Sokolowski and Marianna (Tomaszewski) Sokolowski.  He trained at Camp Carson in Colorado.  He was a sergeant in the 473rd Infantry Regiment when he was killed in action on April 14, 1945.  He is buried in the American Cemetery in Florence, Italy.  From his unit and date of death, it can be inferred that he was killed in the assault on the Gothic Line in Italy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Special Family Notification - Norbert Theofil Szukalsky (Szukalski).

From time to time, individuals ask us to post messages to unknown family members on our blog.  Usually, we do that as part of our bi-monthly Status Update.  However, we recently received such a request that is time sensitive, so we have to publish it ahead of our next Update:

Kathryn Auxier is the daughter of Norbert Theofil Szukalsky (Szukalski).  She is traveling to Milwaukee in mid-June and would be interested in finding living members of her family.
Anyone with information on that family is urged  to contact her at

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Status Update - April, 2016

New Points of Origin:

Cerekwica, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
Co-Ordinates:  52.8297 N, 17.642 E
Family Names:  Janus, Rozewicz

New Family Names Added Since Last Update:


Profiles Added Since Last Update:  272

New Intra-Connections  (Lucht to Fons):

383)  ….John Wojciechowsk > daughter, Helen (Wojciechowski) Bartkowski > daughter, Violet H. (Bartkowski) Sokolowski > husband, Henry Anthony Sokolowski > father, Stanislaus Sokolowski > brother, Frank Sokolowski > son, Sylvester Sokolowski > wife, Francesa (Jendryk) Sokolowski > mother, mother, Mayme (Kureski) [Dluszkowski] Jendryk ….

384)  ….Stanislaus Sokolowski > wife, Anna (Kwasniewski) Sokolowski > brother, John [Kwasniewski] Kwass > wife, Mary (Wojcik) Kwass > sister, Casmira (Wojcik) Fons > husband, Edward H. Fons > brother, Louis Fons....

385)  ….Anna (Kwasniewski) Sokolowski > brother, Stanley Kwasniewski > wife, Elizabeth (Rozewicz) Kwasniewski > brother, Martin Rozewicz > wife, Rose (Kwasniewski) Rozewicz > brother, John [Kwasniewski] Kwass....

386)  ….Anna (Kwasniewski) Sokolowski > brother, Martin Kwasniewski > son, Harry Edward Kwasniewski > wife, Alice (Ledzian) Kwasniewski > sister, Jane (Ledzian) Bednarczyk > husband, Alois Albert Bednarczyk > sister, Alice (Bednarczyk) Brodaczynski > husband, Max Michael Brodaczynski > brother, Joseph Brodaczynski (II) ….

387)  ….Martin Kwasniewski > daughter, Sally (Kwasniewski) Ledzian > husband, Leo C. Ledzian > father, Lawrence Ledzian > brother, Vincent Ledzian > daughter, Jane (Ledzian) Bednarczyk....

388)  ....Raymond Placzek > sister, Irene T. (Placzek) Wojcik > husband, Sigmund J. Wojcik > mother, Martha (Chelminiak/Helminiak) Wojcik > sister, Clara (Helminiak) Frankowiak > husband, Sigmund J. Frankowiak > brother, Erwin Frankowiak > wife, Gertrude (Kulwicki) Frankowiak > father, John Kulwicki....

389)  …. Clara (Helminiak) Frankowiak > brother, Henry F. Helminiak > wife, Anna (Perszewski) Helminiak > brother, Joseph Perszewski > daughter, Bernadine (Perszewski) Eskowski ….

390)  ….Joseph Perszewski > sister, Helen (Perszewski) Zolinski > husband, Vincent Zolinski > brother, Stanley Zolinski > wife, Stella (Tallar) Zolinski > sister, Josephine (Talar) Tomczyk > son, Edmund Tomczyk....

391)  ....Vincent Zolinski > brother, Michael Zolinski > wife, Emily (Stachowiak) Zolinski > brother, Leo Stachowiak (2)....

392)  ….Vincent Zolinski > sister, Veronica (Zolinski) Stachowiak > husband, Roman L. Stachowiak > brother, Leo Stachowiak (2)....

393)  ….Valentine Biedrzycki > sister, Rose (Biedrzycki) Fabich > husband, Frank Fabich > brother, John Fabich > wife, Hattie (Szymczak) Fabich > sister, Pearl (Szymczak) Zolinski > husband, Frank Zolinski > brother, Stanely Zolinski....

394)  ….Paul Bembenek > brother, Joseph Bembenek > wife, PRIVATE (Stezala) Bembenek > father, Stanley Stezala > second wife, Blanche (Smolinski) [Kwiatkowski] Stezala > son by first husband, Henry Kwiatkowski > wife, Mary (Janocik) Kwiatkowski > brother, Harry Janocik....

395)  ....Leo Cesarz > brother, Franciszek Cesarz > son, Frank S. Cesarz > Jeanette (Bednarczyk) Cesarz > father, John Bednarczyk > brother, Adalbert Bednarczyk > daugher, Alice Elizabeth (Bednarczyk) Brodaczynski....

396)  ….Frank S. Cesarz > son, Lawrence Cesarz > wife, PRIVATE (Sayland) Cesarz > mother, Verna (Myszkowski) Sayland > father, Robert Myszkowski....

397)  ….Frank S. Cesarz > son, Leondard Clemens Cesarz > wife, Jean Margaret (Sayland) Cesarz > mother, Verna (Myszkowski) Sayland....

398)  ….Frank S. Cesarz > son, Donald Cesarz > wife, PRIVATE (Sayland) Cesarz > mother, Verna (Myszkowski) Sayland....

399)  ...Evelyn (Kobza) Cesarz > husband, Stanley B. Cesarz > brother, Roman Cesarz > wife, Emerence (Tomczak) Cesarz > brother, Irvin Tomczak > wife, Loretta (Kasprzyk) Tomczak > brother, Ervin Kasprzyk....

Newly Discovered Changed Names:

Budzinski to Budd
Helminiak (Chelminiak) to Hemin
Kwasniewski to Kwass
Siczkiewicz to Stacy
Zolinski to Green

New Alternate Spellings:

Bankowski, Bąkowski, Bukowski, Bonkalla,
Bykowski Rikowski
Chelminiak Helminiak Helminiah
Drews Draves
Kopydlowski Kopolewski
Laski Laske
Lewandowski Lewandouski
Litzau Lican Litza
Melchior Merchior
Mikolajczak Mikolajezak
Owczarek Owczarezak
Siczkiewicz Seczkiewicz
Szymczak Szymezak
Talar Tallar
Wojcik Wojrik

PCN:  1.71
Rank:  3rd lowest
(For an explanation of the PCN - "Project Completeness Number") see Status Update - February, 2012 and Status Update - March, 2012)
Historical PCN Data:
Previous Two: 
February, 2016: 2.43
December, 2015: 2.00
Average PCN:  5.6
Median PCN: 3.89
Lowest PCN:
1.08 (December, 2014)
Highest PCN:
19 (January, 2012 - the start of the Project)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Albert Kotecki - Featured Profile #49

     The following two articles appeared in the Kuryer Polski on December 9 and December 13, 1927, describing the death and funeral of an early Milwaukee Polish settler, Albert (Polish name:  Wojciech) Kotecki, father of Louis Kotecki (Featured Profile #47).  (Many thanks to Joanna Białkowska who once again supplied the translation.)  Copies of the original articles appear at the end of the post, along with a snip from the Milwaukee Sentinel about the 40th anniversary of Albert and his wife Barbara.
Death Takes Wojciech [Albert] Kotecki, Who Was Father of Controller, When He Was 82.
      The deceased was one of first, oldest Polish settlers in Milwaukee.
     Wojciech [Albert] Kotecki, father of city controller Ludwik [Louis] M. Kotecki and one of the oldest Polish settlers in Milwaukee, died on Friday in the morning at his home at 617 Fourth Avenue, as an effect of the paralysis which happened on Monday. When he died, he was 82.
                The late Wojciech was born in Koźmin in Poznańskie voivoidship. After he  finished school, he had training in sewing and when he was 24 he came to America to Chicago.
                On the 14th of July 1872 he got married in Saint Stanislaus Church in Chicago to Barbara Kurzawska, who also was born in Koźmin in 1851. After two years in Chicago they moved to Milwaukee and they stayed there till the ends of their lives.
                Around 30 years ago, the late Wojciech Kotecki opened his tailor`s shop at Mitchell and Grove Streets with success. He employed in tens people when his business was extended.
                 His wife died on New Year's, 1914. Of his twelve children, the following still are alive sons: Ludwik, Franciszek, Adam and daughters: Leokadia, Viktoria and Maria.
                 The late Wojciech Kotecki was always an active person in Polish public life and he was behind national organizations.  For many years he belonged to Związek Narodowy Polski (Polish National Association) and he was a member of the Patriot Association. Between old settlers in town he had many friends.  He was respected by everyone who knew him, therefore information about his dead was very sad news in the city.
                The funeral of this dead pioneer citizen will be on Tuesday morning in Saint Stanislaus Church.
                He was always very proud of  his son Ludwik, who had a responsible public position in the city from 1912.

Great Funeral Made for the Late Wojciech Kotecki
On Tuesday morning was an eminent funeral for Wojciech Kotecki, who was the father of city controller Ludwik M. Kotecki  and also one of the oldest polish settlers in Milwaukee. He died after short illness on Friday in the morning.
The casket, drowned in flowers, was escorted from his house at 617 Fourth Avenue by Father Jurasiński to Saint Stanislaus Church.  At 9 a.m. begun the memorial service with participation of many kin, friends and familiars.  In the throng in church were many Polish priests, clerical workers and people who work with his son Ludwik.
There was also a delegation from the Patriot Association, where Wojciech was the oldest member.
The casket was transported by: Jjudge Michał Błeński, Jan Stróżyk, Stanisław Choiński and 3 grandsons: Tadeusz Gawin, Karol Gawin, and Eugeniusz Gawin.
There were three Holy Masses for the intention of his soul. At main altar, Holy Mass was celebrated by Father Tutkowski and at the lateral altars by priests: Bierniarz and Krerowicz. The memorial service also was attended by Father Wacław Kruszka - longstanding friend, and priests: Mścisz,  Kobeliński, Brzonkała, Krzywonos and Kach- both from Sturtevant.
During piety the chorus Harmonia sang with solos by supervisor Michalski, Mrs M. Bialk and Kazimierz Andrzejewski, which made the ceremony more appealing
After Holy Mass, the long cortege went to Calvary Cemetery, where Father Krzywonos gave a beautiful elegiac eulogy for Wojciech Kotecki, who was for him, a role model Pole, Catholic, father and citizen.
Sincere manifestations during the funeral attested that he was a very popular and respected person in the city.
The late Wojciech Kotecki leaves, in overwhelming grief, sons: Franciszek, Ludwik and Adam, also daughters: Leokadia, Katcka, Wiktoria and Marianna, daughters-in-law: Wanda, Jadwiga and Aniela, son-in-law, 3 grandsons and 4 granddaughters.
Funeral was organized by company of Marcin Czerwiński.
Published in the Milwaukee Sentinel, July 15, 1912.

      Relation to Nearest Featured Profile: Louis M. Kotecki (Featured Profile #47):  Father.

Path From Nearest Featured Profile:  Louis M. Kotecki > father, Albert Kotecki

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Status Update -

New Family Names Added Since Last Update:


Profiles Added Since Last Update: 148

New Intra-Connections  (Lucht to Fons):

376)  ….Franziska (Pliszka) Brykczynski > sister, Helena (Pliszka) Stolz > son, Edwin John Stolz > wife, Harriet Constance (Bednarczyk) Stolz > sister, Alice Elizabeth (Bednarczyk) Brodaczynski > husband, Max Michael Brodaczynski > brother, Joseph Brodaczynski (II)....

377)  ….George Borowicz > father, Andrew Borowicz > sister, Bessie [Bronislawa] (Borowicz) Fabich > husband, Michael Fabich > sister, Veronica (Fabich) Szymanski > husband, Anton Szymanski > brother, Leon Alexander Szymanski > wife, Katherine Cecelia (Musolf) Szymanski > father, Paulus Musolph > sister, Apollonia (Musolff) Grohall....

378)  ….Bessie [Bronislawa] (Borowicz) Fabich > sister, Catherine (Borowicz) Lemanski > husband, Michael Lemanski > sister, Michalina (Lemanski) > husband, Andrew Borowicz....

379)  ….Michael Fabich > sister, Agnes (Fabich) Nowakowski > husband, Charles A. Nowakowski > sister, Katherine (Nowakowski) Rozga > husband, Frank Rozga > sister, Frances (Rozga) Karnowski....

380)  ….Hattie (Badzinski) Wachowiak > son, Gerald A. Wachowiak > wife, Lucille Ann (Trzesniewski) Wachowiak > father, Adam Trzesniewski > brother, Walter Trzesniewski > wife, Sophie (Litzau) Trzesniewski > brother, Joseph A. Litzau....

381)  ….Anthony Wenta > daughter, Wanda (Wenta) Canapa > son, Eugene Canapa > wife, Slyvia (Snyowicz) Canapa > brother, Henry Synowicz > wife, Sophie (Padol) Synowicz > brother, Edward Padol > wife, Bernice (Trzesniewski) Padol > father, Adam Trzesniewski....

382)  ….Lucille Ann (Trzesniewski) Wachowiak > sister, Genevieve (Trzesniewski) Michalski > husband, Leonard J. Michalski > Benomina (Bauman) Budnik....

PCN:  2.43
(For an explanation of the PCN - "Project Completeness Number") see Status Update - February, 2012 and Status Update - March, 2012)
Historical PCN Data:
February, 2016: 2.43
December, 2015: 2.00
October, 2015: 8.25
August, 2015:  1.24
June, 2015:  7.00
April, 2015:  3.80
February, 2015:  8.33
December, 2014: 1.08
November, 2014:  2.58
October, 2014:  2.58
September, 2014: 3.00
August. 2014:  2.29
July, 2014:  3.00
June, 2014:  2.44
May, 2014: 4.5
April, 2014:  4.67
March, 2014:  3.0
February, 2014:  10.5
January, 2014:  2.9
December, 2013:  4.11
November, 2013:  3.89
October, 2013:  2.14
September 2013:  2.9
August, 2013: 2.71           
July, 2013: 4.28
June, 2013:  3.01
May, 2013: 6.33
April, 2013: 3.33
March, 2013:  8.2
February, 2013: 2.1
January, 2013:  8.0
December, 2012: 3.29
November, 2012: 6.0
October, 2012:  12.25
September, 2012:  6.4
August, 2012: 3.89
July, 2012:  4.57
June, 2012:  7.75
May, 2012:  9.33
April, 2012:  16.67
March, 2012:  16
February, 2012:  12.8
January, 2012:  19
Newly Discovered Changed Names:
Jeziorski to Justin, Jason
Nowakowski to Newton
Newly Corrected Names
Litkowski to Nitkowski
New Alternate Spellings:
Czysz Czyz
Draszkiewicz Draskiewciz
Konwinski Konwienski Kulinski
Nitkowski Nytkowski Litkowski
Synowiec Synowicz
Tesenske Tessenske
Zagorski Zagurski

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Stephen J. Pozorski - Featured Profile #48

 We again feature another profile found (at pages 211-212) in Memoirs of Milwaukee County, (1909, edited by Jerome Anthony Watrous).  This is of Stephen J. Pozorski (1856 - 1915), who, after this profile was published, became the father-in-law to Louis M. Kotecki (Featured Profile # 47).

   Relation to Nearest Featured Profile: Louis M. Kotecki (Featured Profile #47):  Father-in-law.

Path From Nearest Featured Profile:  Louis M. Kotecki > wife, Harriet (Pozorski) Kotecki > father, Stephen J. Pozorski